Core Concepts: Skill Gap Analysis
Definition of Skill Gap Analysis
Skill gap analysis is a business process that discovers skill gaps at the individual, team or organizational level. The gaps can be relative to a set of Jobs, Roles, Activities, Tasks or other part of a skill and competency model. Gaps are generally skill deficits that will make it more difficult to performing a job or role, complete a task or activity, or to achieve a goal.
Learn more about role coverage and skill gap analysis at Ibbaka
Here are how some other companies define skill gap analysis.
Mercer: Skills gap analysis is a strategic approach to assess and bridge your workforce's skills gaps. Skills gap analysis is a planned tool that gauges the difference between your organization's current and desired skills level, providing you with the correct information to make critical business decisions and become future-ready.
Indeed: A skills gap analysis is a process that HR or other management professionals might use to identify skill gaps in employees or teams. A skill gap occurs when a task or responsibility requires more advanced skills than the employee or team currently has.
Skill Gap Analysis Process
Set goals and define desired outcomes
Why is the skill gap analysis being conducted?
What are the intended outcomes?
How will the outcomes be measured?Build a model (or leverage an existing model)
A model for the desired current state
A model for the desired future stateGather data
Leverage current data
Conduct a skill survey
Set up ways to continually gather and update dataPerform the analysis
Which roles, if any, have skill gaps?
Is there enough capacity (people who can perform the role)?
What are the critical skill gaps (improvements on which skills will have the most impact on role coverage)?Take action - How will you close the skill gaps?
Help people build the skills they need
Make internal transfers to improve coverage
Share roles (where two people together can cover a role and help to cover each other)
Set hiring priorities
Core Concepts: Skill Management and Competency Modelling
Coming soon …
Skill Assessment
Skill Management
Core Concepts: Pricing and Customer Value Management
Coming soon …
Economic Value Driver
Emotional Value Driver
Community Value Driver
Value Model
Pricing Model
Connecting Value and Pricing Models
Pricing Design
Package Design
Price Elasticity of Demand
Cross Price Elasticity
Interactions of Cross Price Elasticity and Price Elasticity of Demand
Value Based Market Segmentation
Value Path
Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV)
Value to Customer (V2C)
Value Ratio
Economic Value Estimation (EVE)
Willingness to Pay (WTP)
Pocket Price Waterfall
Customer Value Journey
Customer Value Management