Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Taking the high road
When a competency model structure is organized, what experiences should we promote, taking into account the gravity of decisions cascading down the structure?
TeamFit and Ibbaka -growing our team
TeamFit and Ibbaka plan to combine later this year. We are already finding synergies between People Insights and Market Insights that are driving growth.
"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try." ~ Seth Godin
Why many fantastic Project Managers have Architecture background? What is it that allows them to become successful?
Critical Skills - Problem Solving
Problem Solving is a critical skill and to gather a new perspective, it often requires unlearning. Is “unlearning” a skill? If so, how can we learn it?
Why your job architecture needs a competency model
Redesigning the job architecture has become part of implementing a new HRIS. These architectures are hollow shells without a rich skill and competency model.
Never stand still
Do we have time to master skills? Ten thousand hours seems hard to achieve especially when what we want to master changes faster than we can learn it.
Critical Skills - Empathy
Empathy is frequently seen as a critical skills for design thinking. It also comes up in studies of customer success. Is empathy a skill? Can it be cultivated?
Connecting the dots
We are integrating the new Competency Modelling Environment with our Skill Profiles to form one, consistent ecosystem.
Are values part of your competency model?
Competency models define the skills and behaviours needed for performance. What role do values play? What is gained by including values in a competency model?
Skills and the new logic of competition
The ground on which the competitive game is played is shifting under us. Understanding, developing and applying skills is an organizational imperative.
Keeping skill profiles up to date
Most of us have several skill profiles on different systems and none of them is current. To change this, profiles must be connected to work and to other people.
Critical skills - Sketching
Sketching is not something most of us are taught. The ability to quickly outline an idea visually and explore options playfully is critical for adaptation.
Conducting skill interviews
One way to gather information for competency models is through skill interviews. Explore skills by asking people about goals, how they work, who they work with.
Competencies and Skill Development
Brandon Hall is conducting a major survey on competency & skill development. This survey will give you insight into how to deploy this powerful capability.
Critical Skills - Learning
Third in a series on the critical skills needed to be successful in the emerging work environment. Continuous learning is critical in a rapidly changing world.
Critical Skills - What are critical skills anyway?
TeamFit is doing research into skill models. As part of this, we are looking at critical skills & have shared a short survey. Here are some preliminary results.
"From a little spark may burst a flame" ~ Dante Alighieri
Why taking risks to stimulate divergent thinking which is the key to innovation, or the rule of unintended consequences.
How to build competency models
Competency models are a powerful way to organize work, enable internal mobility and align potential with performance. How do you build a competency model?
Critical Skills - Reflection
Part of a series on critical skills. Reflection is important to skills, from critical thinking to learning and design. It is critical to double-loop learning.