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Role Coverage and Skill Gap Analysis Overview

What is role coverage and skill gap analysis?

Role coverage and skill gap analysis is a vital tool for to inform decision making when leaders and managers need to understand whether to train, acquire, or contract talent to fulfill the organization’s objectives.

Specifically, this feature set will allow you to:

  • Build internal talent pipelines: Identify a pipeline of existing talent in your organization who can be developed to fill a key role or a set of roles.

  • Assess bench strength: Quickly understand where bench strength for skills to expand coverage for a role may be lacking.

  • Accelerate high potential growth: Quickly understand the best management or executive role assignments to develop high potential employees into leaders for your organization.

  • Support development planning: Quickly assess which skills are missing for individuals aspiring to a role, and/or which skills individuals should build to become better in their current role.

  • Identify skills worthy of targeted investment: Identify the key skills which shared by many roles that may be worthy of more programmatic investment, depending on whether they are strengths or weaknesses for your organization.

  • Backfill roles: Can’t find someone in your organization to fill a role? Find two or three people will complementary skills who can backfill a role.

  • Create a hiring plan - Once you know who you have the organization to cover certain key roles, you’ll also have a better understanding of the gaps you need to fill with a hiring plan.

Role Coverage - This is the number of people you have who ‘match’ the skills needed for a role at some minimum threshold, based on self-assessments or peer assessments. This is not just the number of people with a job title. Role coverage extends beyond job titles to give you a clearer picture of people potential in your organization.

Skill Gap Analysis - An analysis that helps you understand which skills are most important to develop in order to meet the target capacity when looking across a group of people in your workforce.

Role coverage and skill gap analysis is just the beginning of what you can do with this feature set. You can also look at coverage for skills related to competencies, behaviours, responsibilities or any bundle of skills you can define in a competency model.

How do I get started?

To get started with your skill coverage analysis, you’ll need to build a competency model that identifies the bundles of skills for which your organization wants to understand coverage. Competency models can be as simple as a set of roles and skills, or multi-layered to include responsibilities, competencies, behaviours and so on.

The next step will be to survey end users for the skills in the model. You can build and target skill surveys for end users who already have skill profiles, or have surveys ready to go for new users as they onboard. We strongly recommend that you resolve any ‘Data Gaps’ in your coverage analysis with a skill survey before making decisions about who may be best suited to cover one role or another. A poor role match could simply mean that the individual has not been asked by Ibbaka Talio whether or not they have the skills needed to perform the role. You can find out more about doing this on in our knowledge center articles about using skill insights and conducting a skill survey.

You can perform a skill coverage analysis for any group of skills in a competency model, regardless of whether they are related to roles or another layer in the model. An insightful role coverage analysis becomes possible once you group skills by their importance (must-have, should-have, nice-to-have), and set target proficiency levels in your competency model.

To learn more about how to build a competency model on Ibbaka Talio, you can watch this series of short videos on our YouTube channel.

Who has access?

Access to role coverage and skill gap analysis is permission based. The only people with default access are people with the ‘Manager’ permissions - these are your Ibbaka Talio administrators. A separate permission called ‘Coverage’ exists in the Manage Memberships panel of your account management tool. Ibbaka. Talio Managers will be able to access this panel via the plus button on the People tab of your organization page.

Competency Models

At the organization level, competency models are the primary driver of role coverage and skill gap analysis. Once you have at least one competency model in the system, it becomes possible to perform a role coverage and skill gap analysis without doing anything else, solely based on the skill profiles that exist in your organization today. Every analysis is based on a single competency model.


You can choose any level of a competency model to inform the analysis. This is the first step in narrowing the scope of the analysis. A level of analysis will incorporate only one level of your competency model, such as roles, competencies, behaviours etc. For example, if you were trying to drive broad, cultural change in your organization, you might choose behaviours as a level at which to analyze skill gaps. On the other hand, if you are trying to drive a business model shift, roles might be a better option. There must be skills associated with the level of the model for which you wish to see coverage.

Filters, Capacity and Locking

It’s possible to filter your analysis for specific roles or people. You can select individual roles, or groups of people filtered by tags that are assigned during the onboarding process, as well as on the your organization’s profile page.

The second type of filtering uses tags to filter model elements (e.g., these could be roles that belong to a specific function, like product management). Ibbaka Talio also allows organizations to assign tags to people.

To learn more about filtering your model, read our knowledge centre article titled, ‘Filtering your Skill Coverage Analysis’

Setting capacity targets for a role or job is the other way you can constrain an analysis

Finally, locking someone to one or more roles can ensure they are taken out of consideration for roles where they are not being considered. This allows Ibbaka Talio to provide a more accurate view of skill strengths and gaps given this additional type of constraint.

The Skill Coverage Matrix

The skill coverage matrix allows you to look for broad patterns of role across a group of people based on roles (or other model elements) you have selected, and your desired capacity in the group of people you have selected. The matrix also allows you to get an at-a-glance view of coverage at the skill level instead of people, based on roles. This second view is extremely useful for quickly understanding the importance of one or more skills across a set of roles.

Skill Insights

This tab will let you know:

  • which skills are strengths or weaknesses in the group of people selected as a whole, sorted from strongest to weakest

  • which roles that are impacted by these skills

  • the people who currently have the skills.

Skill insights will also let you know where you have insufficient data (Data Gaps) to understand strengths and weaknesses in the group of people you have selected and start a skill survey to fill those gaps.

Skill insights change dynamically as you adjust the parameters of your analysis. The more capacity you require in key roles with unique or uncommon skills, the more likely those skills will be to show up as a weakness for the organization as a whole. The same is true for narrowing your search to select groups of people, or locking people to certain roles.

Role Insights

Similar to skill insights, role insights will show you which roles are strengths and weaknesses, based on the best, overall role match scores for the number of individuals you need to fulfill the role.

The information in this tab is very similar to clicking the ‘summary’ box next to each row where you have a job or role for which you are analyzing coverage. Opening the drawer for each role listed as a strength or a weakness, you will see a ranking of as many candidates as you have indicated in your capacity requirements for the role, from best strongest to weakest. The role insights tab provides the additional benefit of allowing you to see which roles are strengths or weaknesses.

Skill Surveys

Skill surveys are a way of making sure that the right people in your organization can let you which skills they have, and to offer their self-assessment of those skills. You can create multiple surveys for any given competency model, targeted to select groups based on tags, or a select group of individuals you select.

Skill surveys are a key part of the onboarding process for Ibbaka Talio. Surveys are critical to ensuring everyone in your organization understands skills in the same way (e.g., by the same names, definitions, etc). While you can still onboard employees to Ibbaka Talio without skill surveys, having at least a simple framework of roles or jobs, and their related skills, multiplies the power of Talio exponentially to give you insights that can inform your decisions about who to train and who to hire.

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