The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

What makes a good value model? Tom Nagle’s view

Value models are the key to value based pricing and value based sales. What are the characteristics of a good value model? Ibbaka is exploring this with a group of experts. Here we go to the source and elaborate on Tom Nagel’s approach to value modeling and what makes for a good value model.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

TCO or ROI or Value - Which Can Justify SaaS?

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI) and Value are ll used in price setting an justification. How are these related? Which approach works best? A value model is at the heart of a successful value program and critical to managing churn.

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Core Concepts: Economic Value Estimation (EVE)

EVE, or Economic Value Estimation, quantifies the monetary value created by an offering for a particular customer versus their next best alternative. Since value is at the center of pricing strategy, modeling economic value estimation becomes critical in value-based pricing.

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