The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Liam Hannaford Liam Hannaford

The Adventures of Super Val: Ibbaka Valio’s Price Defender and Value Vanguard

More than a fictional character, Super Val is a superheroine on a mission, a symbol dedicated to waging war against pricing pitfalls and championing the noble cause of authentic value creation for customers. We delve into the genesis of Super Val, a product of Ibbaka's commitment to revolutionize conventional pricing models, offering solutions to the challenges B2B SaaS businesses encounter in setting the right prices.

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Best Practices Rashaqa Rahman Best Practices Rashaqa Rahman

Are you leaving money on the table?

In the Sixth Edition of The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, Tom Nagle and Georg Muller introduce the Value Cascade. This is a powerful framework for identifying value and pricing leaks. Use it to ask yourself hard questions about how you create, communicate and capture value.

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