The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
Service design and pricing
Pricing is an integral part of service design. There are several reasons for this. Of course one cannot analyze the profitability of a service without knowing how it is priced. Beyond this, price is part of how we experience a service, and pricing will shape how and when a service is used.
Pricing and the CEO
Pricing is a critical part of business success and it cannot be left to chance. What role should the CEO play in pricing? It comes down to setting strategy, ensuring alignment, monitoring execution, and taking leadership on pricing ethics and fairness.
Testing the alignment of your pricing strategy
Many companies struggle with pricing alignment without even being aware it is an issue. In some cases there is confusion on goals, or perhaps too many goals. In other cases the different parts of the organization are pulling in different directions. You can get insight into pricing alignment at your company by having different people take a pricing self assessment and comparing the results.
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