The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Questions to ask before hiring a pricing consultant

When and how do you hire a pricing consultant? Pricing consultants have the power to streamline your pricing strategies and enhance profits, yet they may also complicate matters with too much analysis. This article offers crucial advice on when and how to choose a pricing expert wisely.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

How to Write a Compelling Value Story

Value ROIs and value models are best communicated as a story. This is the ‘Art of Value Storytelling’. One approach to value storytelling uses ‘the hero’s journey.’ The hero of the customer value journey is not you or your software. It is the customer. Value storytelling makes the customer the hero of their own story.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

Value Stories Work Better than ROI Claims

Value is central to the design, sale and support of B2B software. Sophisticated ways of understanding and measuring that value have been developed, from basic ROI calculators to sophisticated Economic Value Estimation models. But at the end of the day, we are human, and humans respond to stories. Converting value models into value stories is key to communicating value.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

Five Pricing Challenges (that may not really be pricing challenges)

Pricing challenges come in all shapes and sizes. In some cases, the pricing challenge is a symptom of some other underlying issue, not something that can be solved with a quick pricing fix. Understand the five major types of pricing challenges. Then use the Ibbaka Pricing Diagnostic to answer some questions on the type of pricing challenge that you have. Ibbaka will respond with a preliminary diagnosis.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

Is it Time to Change Your Pricing?

Prices cannot be left static. Differentiation value changes as your customers change their own business and as new competitive alternatives enter the market. There are several different reasons to reconsider your pricing. Explore these with the Ibbaka Pricing Diagnostic.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Who benefits from good pricing?

Ibbaka speaks with a lot of people about value and pricing. Sometimes, when people hear that we are pricing experts, they assume that we are out to gouge buyers. This could not be more wrong. Good pricing aligns the interests of the buyer and seller.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How should we organize pricing challenges?

People come to Ibbaka with many different pricing challenges. Sometimes these are symptoms for deeper problems. How can we organize the many different types of pricing challenge and diagnose the root causes?

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