The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Edward Wong Edward Wong

My New Role as Manager of Research and Community

Edward Wong is taking on a new role at Ibbaka as Manager of Research and Community. In this post he talks about what the role means to him and the contribution he wants to make to Ibbaka, our customers and the wider value community.

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Edward Wong Edward Wong

Ethical Considerations in AI Pricing: Balancing Profit and Accessibility

What ethical issues come up when one uses AI to inform pricing? As adoption of generative AI based applications starts to take off it is time to put in place plans to address and mitigate ethical issues such as transparency, bias, availability and environmental impact. This is part of an AI pricing strategy.

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Edward Wong Edward Wong

What research is critical for developing GenAI pricing models?

Good pricing requires good data, and one place that data comes from is market research. But what kind of research? Begin with a value model and quantify it with qualitative research and data analysis. Model your costs and test willingness to pay. And don’t forget to see what the competition is up to!

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Core Concepts: Conjoint and Discrete Choice Modelling for Pricing Research

Core Concept: Conjoint and Discrete Choice Modelling are important tools for market research. In the context of pricing work, these studies can give insight into how different functions contribute to value. This is very useful in packaging and understanding how prices should be priced relative to each other.

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