The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
Your value is dynamic (that is why you need a value model)
Once upon a time it was enough to have a simple ROI calculator that you kept in a spread sheet or pushed to the web. Those days are gone.
Today we need dynamic value models that adapt to market conditions and competitor actions.
These value models are used across the customer experience, for pricing, value based sales and customer success.
Value models trump ROI calculators
Value models are a far more powerful frame for customer value management than ROI calculators. Companies that need to communicate value to buyers and document value for customers need a value model and the ability to communicate value in value stories.
TCO or ROI or Value - Which Can Justify SaaS?
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI) and Value are ll used in price setting an justification. How are these related? Which approach works best? A value model is at the heart of a successful value program and critical to managing churn.
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