The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 3: The M&A Pricing Checklist
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 3: The M&A Pricing Checklist. In the 3rd and Final Post of our Pricing after Merger and Acquisition series, we provide a simple checklist to help you make sure you are covering off the key pieces. A checklist helps with alignment, allocation of tasks and makes sure that nothing falls through the cracks.
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 2: Finding Pricing Alignment After a Merger
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 2: Finding Alignment. In the 2nd post of our 3-part series of Pricing after M&A, we look at how to find alignment between the 2 organizations when it comes to pricing and market segment.
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 1: Why Pricing is Critical to M&A Success
Pricing after Merger and Acquisition Part 1: Why Pricing is Critical to M&A Success. The 1st in a 3-part series on how to make sure that pricing contributes to the success of a merger. There are common challenges in post merger pricing. Roger Martin’s strategic choice cascade can be adapted to guide us through the critical choices are to be made.
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