Ibbaka and the GoFrameworks partnership
Steven Forth is co-founder and managing partner at Ibbaka. See his skill profile here.
Ibbaka and Learning Agents have partnered to provide the GoFrameworks platform.
Read the press release here.
On GoFrameworks you will find a growing collection of skill and competency frameworks (or as Ibbaka calls them ‘models’) that can be aligned with the CanCred badging and micro credentialing platform and other systems built on the Open Badge standard.
By combining open badges with competency models GoFrameworks provides the missing link between training and performance.
Many Canadian educational institutions use CanCred to support their badging programs, such as St. Lawrence College and Ryerson University. The platform is also used by businesses such as Shopify to support their communities and organizations such as Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT).
Competency models are used to define the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and other attributes needed to successfully perform jobs and roles.
With GoFrameworks it is easy to align a badge with any combination of skills or even with specific roles and jobs. These alignments make it much easier to connect training to performance. It helps people to find jobs and roles. The combination of badges and future looking competency models also helps build a workforce prepared for the jobs of the future.
GoFrameworks is being launched with five critical models.
If you went through this list, you may have wanted to play the Sesame Street game ‘one of these things is not like the others.’
Which one did you pick?
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are not a competency model in any conventional sense. But they are very important to many people. Educational institutions are looking at how their courses and curriculums support these goals. Many companies also want to align their activities with these goals. And they are important to individuals. By including the UN Sustainable Government Goals we are able to align badges with these goals. This approach also shows how badges can be aligned with, and help to deliver on, large social or organizational goals.
Additional frameworks will be added to the GoFrameworks library over the coming months. To begin, all of the Ibbaka Open Competency Models will be included. The O*Net competency models are also being evaluated for inclusion.
How to get involved
There are many ways for you to participate in the GoFrameworks initiative.
Suggest competency models or frameworks for inclusion
Build your own competency model (there is no charge if you are willing to make it public and share it under a Creative Commons license)
Build badges and align it with skills or the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Suggest something we have not yet thought of!
Contact us at info@ibbaka.com
For more background on this work, see Aligning skill and competency models with microcredentials - a conversation between Don Presant and Kul Sharma.