Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Deep reading as a critical skill
Reading is one of the most important foundational skills, but what does it really mean to be an expert or deep reader? Deep reading relies on a combination of immersion (related to flow), reflection and connection. One can learn to apply each of these enabling skills to improve one’s own reading.
Critical Skills - How to develop critical skills
Critical skills are, well, critical. A lot of Ibbaka’s work turns around identifying critical skills in different contexts. Identifying critical skills is a good start. But once you have identified them, how do you develop them? We investigate several strategies in this post.
Critical Skills - Curiosity (reprise)
“Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought her back.” Curiosity is an important behavior in a shifting and uncertain world. But is it a skill? Perhaps not. It is better described as an attitude. But there are important skills that support curiosity, and it is critical to many different business functions.