Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Critical uncertainties about the future of work
The Covid 19 pandemic has increased people’s uncertainties about the future of work. A scenario planning approach can provide powerful ways to think about this, but to create scenarios we need to explore the critical uncertainties. Please share your thoughts on this important theme.
Seeding - Assessing - Evolving Skills
We all have skills. Many skills. We connect them in different ways. How should you get started with skill management? How are skills assessed? How to skills evolve over time? These are central questions for a skill and competency management program.
Design decisions for developing a competency framework
Skill and competency management is the key enabler of digital transformation. Successful execution requires a series of design decisions. The cascading choices, the use cases and three key decisions are covered here, along with a link to a presentation on this theme.
Skills for digital transformation
Digital transformation is a critical theme in many sectors. What are the core underlying skills that support digital transformation?