Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Core Concept: Skill Assessment
Another post from the Core Concept Series looking at A Skill Assessment. What is it. What are the different types of a Skill Assessment and how Ibbaka Talio fits in it.
Organizational Approaches to Skills Assessment - Survey Report
Assessments are an important part of work in skill and competencies. It is human nature to want to know how we are doing and to compare ourselves with others. Ibbaka has been doing research in this area and has just published a report of our findings.
Competencies or skills - what should you assess?
Skills and competencies are both important to capability development. Skills are the more fundamental and granular construct, competencies can be thought of as clusters of skills in the context of behaviors, activities or tasks. Should you be assessing skills or competencies? We look at the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
Assessing Skills as Part of Continuous Performance Management
Annual performance reviews are a thing of the past. The world is too fluid and performance too multidimensional for that. Understanding skills, providing feedback, enabling conversations has to happen real time. More than that, any assessment needs to be put in the context of current roles and the teams a person is working on. This is what Ibbaka does.
"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." ~ Molière
There are moments we benefit from how fast we can accomplish a task, but we should cherish moments when there is a pause. Pause to reflect on your skill model.
The art of giving
When you give something away without expecting anything in return creates an incredible bond that can be compared to a community or family. The art of giving.