Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Core Concepts: SkillRank
SkillRank is how Ibbaka estimates a person’s level of expertise on a specific skill. Bayesian methods are used to estimate both competence and our confidence in the evidence. Various forms of evidence are used to estimate expertise of which the most important are social proof.
Assessing Skills as Part of Continuous Performance Management
Annual performance reviews are a thing of the past. The world is too fluid and performance too multidimensional for that. Understanding skills, providing feedback, enabling conversations has to happen real time. More than that, any assessment needs to be put in the context of current roles and the teams a person is working on. This is what Ibbaka does.
The cost of social norms
While social norms definitely apply to peer-rating, manager-rating may rely more on market norms and, if so, how can the Ibbaka Talent platform prevent both norms from crossing each other. Social norms and market norms do not always mix well.