Using the Role Coverage Matrix
The Coverage Matrix for any given competency model can be used by managers and leaders to:
Build internal talent pipelines: Identify a pipeline of existing talent in your organization who can be developed to fill a key role or a set of roles.
Assess bench strength: Quickly understand where bench strength for skills to expand coverage for a role may be lacking.
Accelerate high potential growth: Quickly understand the best management or executive role assignments to develop high potential employees into leaders for your organization.
Support development planning: Quickly assess which skills are missing for individuals aspiring to a role, and/or which skills individuals should build to become better in their current role. In addition, identify the key skills which roles share in common and may be worthy of more programmatic investment, depending on whether they are strengths or weaknesses for your organization.
Backfill roles: Can’t find someone in your organization to fill a role? Find two or three people will complementary skills who can backfill a role.
Create a hiring plan - Once you know who you have the organization to cover certain key roles, you’ll also have a better understanding of the gaps you need to fill with a hiring plan.
The Components of the Matrix
The Role Matrix is a heat map that gives you an easy-to-scan overview of how everyone in your analysis matches up against the roles or jobs that you have selected to analyze.
The matrix is setup by default with roles or jobs down the left-hand side, and people across the top. To learn more about filtering what appears in the matrix, see our knowledge center article on filtering and constraining your role and skill coverage analysis.
The interactive components of the matrix are identified below:
Set the number of people you need in the role or job, either in a present or future state. Setting capacities influences every aspect of your analysis, including whether or not a role or skill shows up as a strength or a weakness, as well as data gaps.
The summary column displays the number of people who match at 50% or better on a role match score for the role. Clicking on this box reveals a list of everyone in scope to your analysis, as well as their respective role match scores. You can also click on any one individual in this summary list to view the details of how they match up against the skill requirements of the role.
Individual Role Match
Clicking on the square at the intersection of any one person and a role will help you see where they are strong on skills for the role, where they may fall short of target proficiences and which skills are missing or unknown.
Locking People to Roles
You can also lock people to various roles right from the matrix as a way of ensuring that specific people are only considered for certain roles in the analysis.
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