Key value pricing questions and how to answer them

Steven Forth is CEO of Ibbaka. Connect on LinkedIn

Our customers often come to us with a standard set of question about value and pricing. To help everyone answer these questions and to show how Ibbaka goes about answering these questions we are sharing a series of LinkedIn carousels. Here are the first six. Let us know what other ones you would like.

Each of these takes you on a short trip across a common value or pricing issue. Everyone who works in value and pricing asks themselves these questions (and gets asked them) all the time.

For most of these there is not one right answer, but there is a way to think through the question and get to an answer.

The first six topics we are addressing are

Do you need hybrid pricing?

Will your pricing become transparent?

Should you increase prices?

Good & bad discounting

Best practices in introducing new pricing

Quantify differentiation to capture more value

We are adding one of two new topics a week. This is a great way to get oriented and to act quickly on value and pricing.

Let us know what topics you would like us to cover. Drop a comment in LinkedIn or ping us at


Your value is dynamic (that is why you need a value model)