Core Concepts: Skill Gap
Definition: Skill Gap
So, what do we mean by Skill Gap? Let’s look at a few common definitions.
BetterUp: “A skills gap is when your current workforce's skill set doesn't align with the skills they need to do their jobs.”
Training Industry: “A skills gap is a difference between an employee's skills and the skills they need to perform a job well.”
Indeed: “A skill gap, or skills gap, is the difference between an employee's skills and the skills your company requires for a specific role.”
It looks that everyone agrees on what Skill Gap is. It is a simple concept. The term "gap" itself is self-explanatory. Merriam-Webster lists the following terms:
A problem caused by some disparity
A wide difference in character or attitude
An incomplete or deficient area
Lack of balance
A break in continuity
None of the above are positive. Disparity, difference, break, or lack of balance are not favourable terms and rightly so. However, they point us towards areas that need our attention. For example, fixing a gap in the fence will keep the chickens from escaping, as they did a few weeks back when suddenly I found them on my deck. A quick action performed by my neighbour closing the gap resolved this unplanned revolt. Or was it planned? I still believe the white-feathered hen was the leader of the escape. Still, closing the gap provided a positive outcome.
With skill gaps, the focus should be on the positive outcome, with the first step being the ability to see the gap. Once the gap is identified, several actions can be taken: starting with Skill Gap Analysis. Next, a plan can be laid out to undertake learning opportunities. But before this is underway, it is prudent to figure out why those skill gaps formed in the first place? Was it a shift in the strategy? New technology or unrealistic expectations? Regardless, finding skill gaps is a good thing. It's an opportunity, and this is how it should be treated.
What do you think? Would you be interested in assessing your current skills with the potential to identify skill gaps? What are your career goals? Ibbaka Talent is set up to answer questions related to skills and, ultimately, to find some gaps, which, as I said, is like investing in the future.
Core Concepts: Skill Management and Competency Modelling
Competency Framework and Competency Model
Coming soon …
Skill Assessment
Core Concepts: Pricing and Customer Value Management
Coming soon …
Value Driver
Economic Value Driver
Emotional Value Driver
Community Value Driver
Value Model
Pricing Model
Connecting Value and Pricing Models
Pricing Design
Package Design
Price Elasticity of Demand
Cross Price Elasticity
Interactions of Cross Price Elasticity and Price Elasticity of Demand
Value Based Market Segmentation
Value Path
Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV)
Value to Customer (V2C)
Value Ratio
Economic Value Estimation (EVE)
Willingness to Pay (WTP)
Pocket Price Waterfall
Customer Value Journey
Customer Value Management