Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Critical uncertainties about the future of work
The Covid 19 pandemic has increased people’s uncertainties about the future of work. A scenario planning approach can provide powerful ways to think about this, but to create scenarios we need to explore the critical uncertainties. Please share your thoughts on this important theme.
The jobs of talent scenarios
The Covid 19 crisis has underlined the need to build resilience and adaptation into our talent strategies. This is true for individuals, teams and organizations. Scenario planning is a powerful tool to help us think about the future and prepare for it. Building skill and competency models for different scenarios can help us prepare for and even to shape the future.
How will the future of work impact skills and skill management?
There will be many futures of work. Which do you want to live in? Which are you preparing for? In a collaborative creative future, we need to manage our skills.