Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
What are your assumptions about the future of work?
Our assumptions shape our business and design assumptions. This is what TeamFit believes about the future of work. What do you believe?
What are your potential skills - and who should care
Your most important skills are those that you haven't yet developed. In 3 years half your core skills & virtually all your differentiating skills will be new.
Why everyone wants to become a business consultant - and why that could spark innovation
Lawyers, accountant, firms in Architecture, Engineering & Construction all want to be business consultants. Borders are blurring. This could drive innovation.
Focus on talent success not talent acquisition
Many large or rapidly growing companies have a person responsible for talent acquisition. Aging workforces, changing skill requirements, competition for talent are all driving interest in talent acquisition. But is talent acquisition the most important way to build capabilities? That seems unlikely.
Connecting skill management to your HRIS
Skill management is a powerful complement to HRIS making the latter a more effective tool for actually growing and encouraging people (the human resources).
To build your skill profile look outside yourself
Skill profiles are the new calling card. We should look at other people’s profiles for what we can learn from them and with them.
Questions you should be asking about skills
Can your firm answer critical questions about skills? This is mission-critical for professional services firms.