The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

Why Ibbaka is changing Valio pricing

This September Ibbaka changed its pricing. We decided to be more generous in the number of value stories and pricing models included in each package. Why did we do this? How did we make the decision? How does this impact the price?

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Liam Hannaford Liam Hannaford

The Adventures of Super Val: Ibbaka Valio’s Price Defender and Value Vanguard

More than a fictional character, Super Val is a superheroine on a mission, a symbol dedicated to waging war against pricing pitfalls and championing the noble cause of authentic value creation for customers. We delve into the genesis of Super Val, a product of Ibbaka's commitment to revolutionize conventional pricing models, offering solutions to the challenges B2B SaaS businesses encounter in setting the right prices.

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

How you do anything is how you do everything

Change is everything, and everything is changing. Nothing stands still. Observing the change and acting upon the insights is critical, especially in the dynamic world of SaaS companies. That is why we are adding a new analytics module to the Ibbaka Valio platform.

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Selective Bias

Value is the driving force behind many actions—personal or business. As a result, we all carry a priority list organized around things important to us - the value that emerges from activities, products, services or engagements. Ibbaka Valio connects many elements into a compelling value story.

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Growth Models, Service-Led Growth, Value Capture Karen Chiang Growth Models, Service-Led Growth, Value Capture Karen Chiang

Growth Models to Drive your Company's Performance to Best Capture Revenue

Growth demands that both trust and value are well realized by your customer. Customers are expecting value to be delivered to them and the Service-Led Growth model can drive higher, sustainable, and predictable growth (revenues). This is especially true when customer centricity relies on the synergy between expertise, platforms, and insight to drive the business relationship that in turn drives monetization. The SLG model can be a more powerful way to increase and accelerate value delivered as customer relationships mature over time.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Questions boards should ask CEOs about pricing

Inflation and a possible recession. Many companies are circling the wagons and shifting to survival mode. This means different things for different companies, but in all cases, pricing should be at the center of the board conversation. Here are 5 Questions that boards should be asking CEOs about pricing.

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