Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog

Steven Forth Steven Forth

Simple (very simple) skill and competency models

Sometimes a very simple model is all that is needed. And paring a model down to its essentials can reveal what really matters. Here are two simple approaches to a skill and competency model. For general behaviors, relevant across your organization, use just behaviors and skills. For new capabilities, that you want to cultivate, use roles and skills. If you want to connect these to learning and development, add learning resources.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Adding trust to your customer journey map

Customer journey maps have become a key tool in customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) design work. They are one of the best ways to organize service designs. We recommend calling out trust as an explicit part of these maps. Trust and skill management are tightly connected. To succeed with skill management people have to trust the system, the data and, most importantly, each other.

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Are you optimizing skills for business performance?

Managing business to optimize for staff utilization will ultimately lead to commoditization. Applying skills to build differentiation is a better strategy.

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