Adding content to a competency model
To add content to an Ibbaka Talent competency model, you need to understand how you can fit the pieces of the content together. The pieces you have to work with are jobs, competencies, tasks, behaviours, skills, credentials, and learning resources.
A job can include competencies, tasks, behaviours, skills, credentials, and learning resources.
A competency can include tasks, behaviours, skills, credentials, and learning resources.
A task can include behaviours, skills, credentials, and learning resources.
A behaviour can include skills, credentials, and learning resources.
And a skill can include credentials, and learning resources.
These elements are layers, where any layer can include elements from sub-layers. The names of the layers are arbitrary; an administrator can change their names. For example, you might require the “tasks” layer to be called “roles”, or the “competencies” layer to be called “capabilities”.
An administrator can choose to not include some layers in the model structure. Skills, though, are atomic in Ibbaka Talent, and cannot be renamed or turned off.
NOTE: The default name for the top layer is Jobs. The Jobs layer differs from the others in that a company’s “active” jobs must have unique names. If the same job name is in two different models in the same company, only one of them is allowed to be active.
There are two ways to add a new element. One is to create it first, then connect it to some parent later, by inserting it while working on the parent. The other is to create it while working on the parent.
The results of your work are flatly listed on the competency model main page. For example, if, while you are specifying a job, you create a competency with a skill, the competency will be listed in the main page Competencies drawer, and the skill will be listed in the Skills drawer. (A drawer is a section that is initially closed.)
Adding nested elements by typing their names
To add a job, competency, task, behavior, or skill, start typing in the text field at the head of the section (job section etc.). As you type, the system will offer a list of names for you to choose from.
The offered list comes from all the models that you can see, and each list item includes which model it came from.
But they are not just flat terms. They are structures. For example, if you click on a job from another model, any competencies, tasks, behaviours, and skills that are associated with it will be put into the model that you are working on. That is, the structured job would be copied and pasted into your model. You can edit the copy as you wish without affecting the original.
If you want the name you are typing, and you do not choose from the “autocomplete” list, click Enter/Return (on touch devices choose ADD from the context menu — the three dots) and a new blank element (job etc.) will be created.
As always, when you add something, it opens in its edit mode so you can work on its description.
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