Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog
Connecting skills and purpose - mapping skills to your RIG
The team at Imperative has developed a compelling model of purpose - Relationships, Impact and Growth. How does this map to skill management?
What is diversity of mind and how to apply it in teams
Blackrock CEO Larry Fink has said that "the most important component of good management is ensuring diversity of mind. How do we find and cultivate this?
When and how to use a skill survey
Surveys may be overused, but they are part of the talent management toolkit, and we all need to get better at their design and interpretation. In this post, we explore when to use a skill survey and how they are applied
You can't hit what you can't see
Make your skills visible. Upload your resume or paste in some text. TeamFit will automatically build you a Skill Map. Just seeing it makes a huge difference.
Skill and expertise management in 2018
Take this five-minute survey for insight into the impact of skill and expertise management on individual and organizational success.
How our skills support and shape our career
Sketching a mindmap of your goals can help you understand the skills you need to develop. Sharing these with your colleagues will encourage collaboration.
Even if you have the skills, can you connect them?
What makes each of us unique is not so much a list of skills but the patterns we use to connect them: skill to skill, skill to project, person to person.
Time for a new approach to employee engagement
Employee engagement is about helping people to realize their potential. Surveys and rewards are window dressing. They do not get to what is essential.
Getting ready for 2018 - make skills part of your strategic planning
Capabilities are a key part of Cascading Choices. For professional services, skills are the key. Skill management should be central to strategic planning.
What are the real drivers of employee engagement?
Employee engagement was a hot topic at HR Tech 2017 in Las Vegas. What are the real enablers of engagement? Do current applications & platforms support these?
The ROI on Skill and Expertise Management Part 3: Engagement & Retention
Part 3 of a series on the ROI skill & expertise management. Greater employee engagement and better learning and skill development lead to higher retention.
Time to Change - Innovation Requires Adaptive Change
Research from AT Kearney finds that as many as 80% of transformation projects fail or under-deliver. Innovation requires adaptive, not just technical change.
The key business questions for skill and expertise management
What are the key business questions for skill and expertise management? How will answering these questions change your business? Critical performance questions.
People Priority or Role Priority - take a shot at TeamBuilder
Skill-based allocation is how to build teams. This offers far more value than availability-based approaches. TeamFit supports person and role-based approaches.
Our choice of core and target skills helps define our career path
We all have more skills than we can use at any one time. TeamFit let's you signal if a skill is core to your work, targeted to improve or downgraded.
The rhythm of skill development
Past skills, earned in the roles we have had throughout our careers resurface in new ways and are the foundation for new abilities.
What are the most important foundational skills?
Foundational skills are the skills used to build other skills, like learning and critical thinking.
What do I need to do to succeed with skill management?
Skill management works when seeded with skill & project data, connected to systems like CRM & project management when people get direct value from use.
Focus on talent success not talent acquisition
Many large or rapidly growing companies have a person responsible for talent acquisition. Aging workforces, changing skill requirements, competition for talent are all driving interest in talent acquisition. But is talent acquisition the most important way to build capabilities? That seems unlikely.