IBBAKA FOR Investors
Maximize Value
Provide Portfolio companies with the pricing and value management tools to grow revenue and build brand value.
Build Value with Ibbaka
Ibbaka’s Value and Pricing solution helps your portfolio investments
Increase ACV
Improve NRR
Reduce CAC
Increase Investment Value
Unlock hidden value with Ibbaka’s pricing and packaging optimizer to drive incremental value.
Refine Value and Pricing models to grow new and existing customer revenue.
Use Ibbaka Value Models to reduce market competition, customer churn, and pricing risks, ensuring a more stable and predictable return on investment.
Use deep insights on pricing, discounting, and NRR factors to streamline operations.
Caspar De Bono, Managing Director, B2B at Financial Times
“Ibbaka provided a framework to guide our investment in innovative and differentiated offerings for our business customers. This has helped frame and direct our innovation strategy.”
Help your portfolio companies thrive
Understand how Ibbaka Value Management and Pricing can drive value across your Portfolio.